I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Associate Professor

Dr. Anikó Kálmán

PhD, habil

H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2.



Horizon Europe keywords: · Inclusive society


1. Kövesi, K., & Kálmán, A. (2020). How to manage the study-to-work transition? A comparative study of Hungarian and French graduate engineering students’ perception of their employability. European Journal of Engineering Education, 45(4), 516-533. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03043797.2019.1622654?journalCode=ceee20
2.Kálmán, A. (2016). Learning - in the New Lifelong and Lifewide Perspectives. Tampere University of Applied Sciences: Tampere. https://www.tamk.fi/web/tamken/-/learning-in-the-new-lifelong-and-lifewide-perspectives.html
3.Kálmán, A. (2019). A regionális ökoszisztéma és az egyetemek szerepe az innovációs folyamatban. Iskolakultúra, 29(9), 51-68. http://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/iskolakultura/article/view/31882
4.Kálmán, A., & Citterio, L. (2020). Complexity as new normality: What is going on? Információs Társadalom, 20(2), 19-32. https://inftars.infonia.hu/pub/inftars.XX.2020.2.2.pdf
5.Kálmán, A., & Szűcs, A. (2021). A nyitott és távoktatás, élethosszig tartó tanulás uniós politikáinak összefüggéseiről (1990-2021). Opus et Educatio, 9(1), 17-27. http://opuseteducatio.hu/index.php/opusHU/article/view/493/878


Award of Recognition from the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences.


title: Professional Roles and Employability of Future Engineers (PREFER) (575778-EPP-1-2016-BE-EPPKA2-KA),
duration: 2019-2020
role: external evaluator
link: https://iiw.kuleuven.be/english/prefer/prefer

title: Development of the training of vocational teachers in the fields of technology and humanities and the network of trainers’ (Műszaki és humán szakterület szakmai pedagógusképzésének és képzők hálózatának fejlesztése) (TÁMOP-4.1.2.B.2-13/1-2013-0002)
duration: 2014-2015
role: institutional expert
link: https://www.mpt.bme.hu/tamop2014/

title: Training the trainers among BME lecturers (Képzők képzése a BME oktatói körében) (TÁMOP 4.1.2-08/02/C/KMR-2009-0005)
duration: 2009-2011
role: head of project, coordinator

title: European and Global Engineering Education (EUGENE 155980-LLP-1-2009-1-IT-ERASMUS-ENWA)
duration: 2009-2012
role: head of institutional research and coordinator

title: Shaping inclusive and responsive university strategies (SIRUS)
duration: 2009-2011
role: institutional representative
founder: European University Association (EUA)


- 17th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education
May 26-28, April, 2021., Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
role: szervezésben való közreműködés, szekcióvezetés, előadó
- MELLearN 17. National and International Lifelong Learning Conference: LLL 4.0 How is digitalisation transforming the LLL strategies?
6. May 2021., online conference
role: chair of thematic section, conference presentation
- MELLearN 16. National and International Lifelong Learning Conference: Learning – Knowledge and Innovation in Higher Education.
29 April 2020, Budapest
role: presenter, session chair
- SEFI Annual Conference ( Board Committee member)Varietas delectat... Complexity is the new normality. Industry 4.0 and Diversity in Engineering Education
16-19 September 2019, Budapest (BME)
role: organiser, member of the conference committee
- 16th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education IACEE
18-19 May 2018, Mexikó (Technológico de Monterrey)
role: organiser, presenter
- Belt and Road: Economic and Cultural Ties Conference
10-12 April 2017. Shanghai, Kína (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)
role: presenter

Other activities

Membership in professional organizations:
- International Association for Continuing Education (IACEE): council member (2021-2024)
- SEFI Capacity Building Working Group: co-chair (2021-)
- SEFI Special Interest Group (SIG): Continuing Engineer Education and LLL: co-chair (2020-)
- IACEE Continuing Engineer Education Working Group: co-chair (2020-)
- Hunagrian Pedagogical Society, Higher Education Section: leader (2020-)
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA): member of public body (2014-)
- European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN): member (2014-)
- Hungarian Pedagogical Society, Section of Comparative Pedagogy: member (2013-)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE): tag (2009-)
Membership in the editorial boards of national and international periodicals
- European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL) (2017-)
- Opus et Educatio (2014-)
- International Journal of Quality Assurance in ENgineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE) (2013-)
Supervising activity in Doctoral Schools:
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Doctoral School of Business and Management: lecturer advertising dissertation topics (2017-)
- University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Education: dissertation supervisor, lecturer, lecturer advertising dissertation topics (2014-)
- Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Doctoral School of Education: dissertation supervisor, lecturer (2008-)