Zsigmond Péntek, Hiller Tobias, András Czmerk: Algorithmic Enhancement of Automotive MEMS Gyroscopes with Consumer-Type Redundancy, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2020,
Pentek Zsigmond, Janos Botzheim, Andras Czmerk: Bacterial Programming Based Kinematic Chain Estimation of Construction Vehicle, IEEE ACCESS, 2021,
Levente Raj, András Czmerk: Modeling and simulation of the drivetrain of an omnidirectional mobile robot, AUTOMATIKA, 2017, https ://
Czmerk AJ: Increasing of Stiffness of Double-acting Pneumatic Cylinder, ANALECTA TECHNICA SZEGEDINENSIA, 2015, /analecta/article/view/181
Széll Károly, Czmerk András, Korondi Péter, Friction with Hysteresis Loop Modeled by Tensor Product, AUTOMATIKA, 2014,
Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production
in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems - Grant agreement ID: 825196 (TRINITY),
2019-2023, EU, H2020 CORDIS, lead researcher
Stiffness investigation of pneumatic cylinders 59th IWK, Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium, 2017.09.11. - 2017.09.15. Ilmenau, Germany, lecturer
Elasztomerek rugalmassági modulusa és Shore keménysége közötti összefüggés numerikus vizsgálata, OGÉT 2018: XXVI. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia: 26th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2018.04.26. - 2018.04.29. Marosvásárhely, Romania, lecturer
Other activities
Association of Management and Scientific Societies (GTTSz) Youth Section member, (president 2019-2020).