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I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

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Crystallization & Process Engineering (crystproceng) Research group

Dr. Botond Szilágyi

Research fellow


H-1117 Budapest, Bertalan lajos utca, BME FII building, office 17


Introduction of the Research Group

A young and dynamic research group focusing on the application of classical and cutting-edge process engineering methods in chemical, pharmaceutical, and food engineering. Our belief is that smart, flexible, well-operated and timely diagnosed manufacturing systems are key to maintaining our standards of living and improving those in need. This is also fundamental to stopping resource and energy waste and protecting the environment. To put these into practice, we apply mathematics (including numerical methods and advanced computing infrastructures) to solve practical and theoretical engineering problems related to chemical processes and product design.Our current focus covers a broad range, from the small-scale, fundamental understanding of unclarified aspects of complex phenomena, eg nucleation of solid particles from pure and impure liquids, to large-scale process operations and developments, combined data, and mechanistic model- based technology screenings as well as smart, model-based technology operations. We work on laboratory implementations and demonstrations of these concepts as well as to bring them closer to reality. 

Watch our 3-minute introductory video:


Established industrial collaborations with major local pharma companies,
Collaboration with local chemical companies beyond pharmaceuticals,
Significant national and international academic collaborators,
National and international research projects,
International academic and industrial network.


-Szilágyi, B., 2022. External fine particle removal for crystallization processes: Introduction and systematic comparison with the temperature cycling-based fines removal. Chem. Eng. Process. - Process Intensif. 179, 109074. 

-Szilagyi, B., Eren, A., L. Quon, J., D. Papageorgiou, C., K. Nagy, Z., 2020a. Application of Model-Free and Model-Based Quality-by-Control (QbC) for the Efficient Design of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes. Cryst. Growth Des. 20, pp. 3979–3996.

-Szilagyi, B., Nagy, ZK, 2019. Model-based analysis and quality-by-design framework for high aspect ratio crystals in crystallizer-wet mill systems using GPU acceleration-enabled optimization. Computer. Chem. Eng. 126, 421–433. 

-Szilagyi, B., Pal, K., Beheshti Tabar, I., Nagy, ZK, 2020c. A Novel Robust Digital Design of a Network of Industrial Continuous Cooling Crystallizers of Dextrose Monohydrate: From Laboratory Experiments to Industrial Application. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 59, 22231–22246. 

Szilagyi, B., Wu, W.-L., Eren, A., Mackey, J., Kshirsagar, S., Szilagyi, E., Ostergaard, I., Qu, H., Sinha, K., Mlinar, L., Pohlman, D., Chen, J., Nere, N., Boukerche, M., Korde, A., Ellis, R., Lovette, M., Black, S., Jawor-Baczynska, A., Li, H., Yang, B.-S., Irdam, E., Patience, D., McKeown, R., Ketchum, M., Green, DA, Reddy, VR, Polster, C., Burcham, C. , Jarmer, D., Merritt, JM, Cote, A., Sirota, E., Codan, L., Schoell, J., Liu, YC, Girard, KP, Kulkarni, SA, Yang, Y., Quon, JL. . . . , Nagy, ZK, 2021. Cross-Pharma Collaboration for the Development of a Simulation Tool for the Model-Based Digital Design of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes (CrySiV). Cryst. Growth Des. 21, pp. 6448–6464. 


Disclosed software: Crystallization Simulation and Visualization Tool (CrySiV), Purdue University, Zoltan K. Nagy and Botond Szilagyi


Crystal growth and design
Chemical engineering research and design
Computers and chemical engineering


Automated, computer-controlled laboratory reactor (0.5L)


OTKA FK 138475 (2022-2026), PI
Marie Curie IF (2021-2023), Fellow

Industry relations

Gideon Richter
Blaze Metrics

Boehringer Ingelheim
Ely Lilly


Organized: Crystallization Modeling and Engineering Workshop, 2022 November, Budapest