I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.


-Szilágyi, B., 2022. External fine particle removal for crystallization processes: Introduction and systematic comparison with the temperature cycling-based fines removal. Chem. Eng. Process. - Process Intensif. 179, 109074. 

-Szilagyi, B., Eren, A., L. Quon, J., D. Papageorgiou, C., K. Nagy, Z., 2020a. Application of Model-Free and Model-Based Quality-by-Control (QbC) for the Efficient Design of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes. Cryst. Growth Des. 20, pp. 3979–3996. 

-Szilagyi, B., Eren, A., Quon, JL, Papageorgiou, CD, Nagy, ZK, 2020b. Application of Model-Free and Model-Based Quality-by-Control (QbC) for the Efficient Design of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes. Cryst. Growth Des. 

-Szilagyi, B., Nagy, ZK, 2019. Model-based analysis and quality-by-design framework for high aspect ratio crystals in crystallizer-wet mill systems using GPU acceleration-enabled optimization. Computer. Chem. Eng. 126, 421–433. 

-Szilagyi, B., Pal, K., Beheshti Tabar, I., Nagy, ZK, 2020c. A Novel Robust Digital Design of a Network of Industrial Continuous Cooling Crystallizers of Dextrose Monohydrate: From Laboratory Experiments to Industrial Application. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 59, 22231–22246. 

-Szilagyi, B., Wu, W.-L., Eren, A., Mackey, J., Kshirsagar, S., Szilagyi, E., Ostergaard, I., Qu, H., Sinha, K., Mlinar , L. , Pohlman , D. , Chen , J. , Nere , N. , Boukerche , M. , Korde , A. , Ellis , R. , Lovette , M. , Black , S. , Jawor-Baczynska , A . , Li, H., Yang, B.-S., Irdam, E., Patience, D., McKeown, R., Ketchum, M., Green, DA, Reddy, VR, Polster, C., Burcham, C , Jarmer, D., Merritt, JM, Cote, A., Sirota, E., Codan, L., Schoell, J., Liu, YC, Girard, KP, Kulkarni, SA, Yang, Y., Quon, JL. , Nagy, ZK, 2021. Cross-Pharma Collaboration for the Development of a Simulation Tool for the Model-Based Digital Design of Pharmaceutical Crystallization Processes (CrySiV). Cryst. Growth Des. 21, pp. 6448–6464. 


OTKA FK 138475, PI
Marie Curie IF, Fellow, (PharmaCrystEng)
Enabling Technologies Consortium, Interactive PBM simulator, co-PI


Organizer: Crystallization Modeling and Engineering Workshop, 2022 11 07, Budapest
Participant: Population Balance Modelling, 2022 05, Lyon