I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.


Kiss, Benedek; Szalay, Zsuzsa: Sensitivity of buildings’ carbon footprint to electricity decarbonization: a life cycle–based multi-objective optimization approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT 2022 pp. 1-20. , 20 p. (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-022-02043-y

Kiss, Benedek; Szalay, Zsuzsa: Modular approach to multi-objective environmental optimization of buildings AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION 111 Paper: 103044, 14 p. (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2019.103044

Kiss, Benedek; Kácsor, Enikő; Szalay, Zsuzsa: Environmental assessment of future electricity mix – Linking an hourly economic model with LCA. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 264 Paper: 121536, 14 p. (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121536

Szalay, Zsuzsa; Zöld, András: Definition of nearly zero-energy building requirements based on a large building sample ENERGY POLICY 74 pp. 510-521. , 12 p. (2014) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2014.07.001

Szalay, Zs; Zöld, A: What is missing from the concept of the new European Building Directive?
BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 42: 4 pp. 1761-1769. , 9 p. (2007)


Prize for achievements in the supervision of university students (TDK), Awarded by the Pro Progressio Foundation (2019)

Dean’s award for coordinating the scientific student competition (TDK) and other efforts to train the next generation of academics at the BME Faculty of Civil Engineering (2019)

Bolyai János Research Scholarship, Awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), 2015-2018


Optimisation of buildings and building elements from life cycle and building physics perspective based on complex numeric modelling), 2018-2022, NKFI-6-FK_18-128663, National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary, Principal Investigator

MooB - Multi-objective life cycle optimisation of sustainable and innovative construction materials and buildings, 2019-2022, International collaboration project, 2018-2.1.15-TÉT-PT-2018-00005, Principal investigator

EPBD implementation: Revision and update of the Hungarian calculation methodology and regulation TNM 7/2006, 2019-2020, National project funded by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Researcher

IEA EBC, Annex 72, Assessing life cycle related environmental impacts caused by buildings, Observer

SLED: Support for Low-Emission Development Strategies in South Eastern Europe; Austrian Development Agency, 2013-2016, Researcher


Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2022, International Scientific Conference, Prague, July 4-5 2022, Scientific Committee Member

Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference 2019, Graz, Austria, 11-14 September 2019, Scientific Committee Member

envibuild 2019 International Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, 7 November 2019, Scientific Committee Member

Other activities

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee on Architecture: Member (2021-), Admissions Board member (2021-), Co-opted member (2018-2020)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Standing Commitee on Architectural Science: Member (2021-), Secretary (2018-2020), Invited guest (2015-2017)

Examination board for energy certificate assessors in the Hungarian Chamber of Architects, Member (2013-)

Sustainability journal, Special Issue Guest Editor (2022)

Regular lectures and training courses to practicing engineers, energy assessors and architects in Hungary in collaboration with the professional chambers and renowned organizations (e.g. Hungarian Green Building Council).