I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Assistant Professor

Jenő Miklós Suda


H-1111 Budapest, Bertalan Lajos utca 4-6. BME "Ae" 108.





Farkas, B. & Suda, J.M. (2020) Application of morphed non-linear phase oscillators for representing rolling piston compressor performance. Proc. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. Vol234 No3 pp.332-341. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0957650919863598 Farkas, B. & Suda, J.M. (2018) Performance analysis of a novel oil-free rotary compressor. Proc. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. Vol(232) No(7) pp.870-887. https://doi.org/10.1177/0957650918757876 Iváncsy, T. & Suda, J.M. (2005) Behavior of polydisperse dust in electrostatic precipitators. J. Electrostatics Vol. 63, Issue 6-10, pp.923-927. (DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2005.03.062) Suda, J.M., Zimmer, L. & Buchlin, J-M. (2001) Experimental investigation on turbulence modification by droplets in shear layer flow. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow ICMF 2001, USA LA New Orleans, May 27.–June 1. 2001. PaperNo.177., pp.1-12 Kiss, I., Suda, J.M., Szedenik, N. & Berta, I. (1999) New results in ESP modelling. INST PHYS CONF SER No.163. (Institute of Physics, Bristol, UK, 1999) pp.299-304. IOP Publishing LTD, BRISTOL IPS BP11S, WOS:000084179300056


2001 – 2nd prize for Photographic Entry in Gallery of Multiphase Flow – ICMF Int. Conf. Multiphase Flow /USA /
2000 – Belgian Government Prize – “Best experimental diploma thesis”, VKI (B)
2000 – Diploma with honours - diploma course, VKI (B)
1997 – Diploma award “Dunaferr” 1st prize, Fac Mech Eng / BME (H)
1996 – Summer Internship award 1st prize, Fac Mech Eng / BME (H)


NKFIH KMR-12-1-0386 „Kommunális hulladéklerakók csurgalékvizének helyszíni kezelése, innovatív és újszerű megoldással vegyszermentesen, egyetlen eljárással a keletkezés helyén” (2013-2015) OTKA T037651 „Simulation of turbulent flows.” (2002-2005) OTKA T037730 „Theoretical and experimental investigation on dispersion of pollutants emitted by ground vehicles in urban and natural environment” (2002-2005) FKFP 0075/2001 „Research on engineering application of numerical simulation systems” (2001-2003) FKFP 0242/1997 „Numerikus módszerek alkalmazása áramlástani, környezettechnikai és energetikai kutatásokban, tanszékek együttműködésében” (1997-1998) OTKA T023755 „Theoretical investigation on modelling particle separation from gases” (1995-1998).





Other activities

VKI (Von Kármán Institute for Fluid Dynamics) Alumni Association founding & board member, MTA Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Scientific Committee member, GTE Mechanical Engineering Scientific Committee member