I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Associate Professor

Attila Lovas


H-1111 Budapest, Egry József str. 1.





1. Attila, Rider; Iosif Lytras; Miklós Rásonyi; Sotirios Sabanis, Taming neural networks with TUSLA: Non-convex learning via adaptive stochastic gradient Langevin algorithms, 2023, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.

2. Attila Lovas and Miklós Rásonyi, Markov chains in random environments with applications in queuing theory and machine learning, 2021, Stochastic Processes and Their Applications.

3. Attila Lovas and Miklós Rásonyi, Ergodic theorems for queuing systems with dependent inter-arrival times, 2021, Operations Research Letters.

4. Attila Lovas and Miklós Rásonyi, Ergodic aspects of trading with threshold strategies, 2023, Annals of Operations Research. 

5. Breaking K; Pongracz R; Bartholy J; Varadi-T A; Marcha B; Szilagyi B; Rider A; Gy Dunay; Sotonyi P, Evaluation of meteorological and epidemiological characteristics of fatal pulmonary embolism, 2016, International Journal of Biometeorology. 


1. Gyula Farkas Commemorative Prize for young researchers (2021).
2. Géza Grünwald Commemorative Prize for young researchers (2018).
3. Gyula Kőnig Young Researcher Award (2017).


1. HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems, 2020-2021, Traffic modeling and simulation by sparse data recovery and refinement.

2. Contract work for BOSCH, 2019, Applying photorealistic fog on an RGB image.

3. Research collaboration in hemodynamical modeling with Semmelweis University, 2017-2019, A new algorithm for recovering the blood flow from the changes in the cross-sectional area of ​​the aorta.

4. Research collaboration in epidemiology with Semmelweis University, 2015-2017, Non-parametric learning algorithm for evaluating the influence of environmental factors on sudden medical emergencies.

5. Research collaboration in biomedical image processing with Semmelweis University, 2013-2015, Semiautomatic segmentation and tracking of coronary arteries in ECG-gated cardiac CT.


1. XVI International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Minsk (Belarus), 2019, Contributed talk.

2. XXVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics. Braga (Portugal), 2017, Contributed talk.

Other activities

Membership in the Bolyai Mathematical Society