I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Research fellow

Balázs Tőkés

Master of science in architecture

1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.

+36(1) 463-35-58



Some construction technology and construction organization peculiarities of Hungarian folk architecture and their appearance in today's environmentally conscious, self-supporting residential building practice. In: Köllő, Gábor (ed.) ÉPKO 2006: X. International Conference of Civil Engineering and Architecture [10th International Conference of Civil Engineering and Architecture] Cluj-Napoca, Romania : Transylvanian Hungarian Technical Society (EMT) (2006) 359 p. pp. 337-340. Paper: 59, 4 p.