I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Associate Professor

Dr. Melinda Benkő

PhD, habil

H-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3. BME Department of Urban Planning and Design,




Benkő, M., Bene, B.; Pirity, Á.; Szabó, Á. & Egedy, T. (2021). Real vs. Virtual City: Planning Issues in a Discontinuous Urban Area in Budapest’s Inner City. Urban Planning, 6(4). (pp. 150-163).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17645/up.v6i4.4446
Benkő, M. (2018). The Effects of Security-based Contemporary Urban Development on European Modern Mass Housing Landscape. Metamorphosis: The Continuity of Change. 15th International DOCOMOMO Conference, 28-31.08.2018 (pp. 181-185), Ljubljana. ISBN 978-989-99645-3-2
Benkő, M. (2016). Budapest’s Large Prefab Housing Estates: Urban Values of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Journal of Hungarian Studies, 29(1-2), (pp. 21-36). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/044.2015.29.1-2.2
Benkő, M. & Kissfazekas, K. (Eds.) (2019). Understanding Post-Socialist European Cities: case studies in urban planning and design. Budapest: L’Harmattan 224p ISBN: 9782343161822
Benkő, M., & Fonyódi, M. (2009). Glocal city - kortárs európai városépítészet.[Glocal city – contemporary urban design.] Budapest: Terc Kiadó. 240p ISBN: 9789639535480


Fulbright Research Award for 4 months in academic year 2019-20, Department of Urban Planning and Policy, College of Urban Policy and Public Affairs (CUPPA), the University of Illinois at Chicago
János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Science 2013-16 and 2009-12
French State Fellowship / Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble, France Juin 2013
BME students' awards for teaching
Design Professor of the Year 2004 and 2011 / students’ award of the BME Faculty of Architecture
Lecturer Professor of the Year 2011 and 2016


COST Middle-Class Mass Housing 2019-23
COST Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning 2013-18
Danurb Interreg 2017-19
Urbact Re_Block 2013-15


http://doconf.architect.bme.hu/ Budapest, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, Chair
EAUH, ISUF, Docomomo, etc.

Other activities

MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member of the Committee on Architecture 2011 onwards
non-academician member of the MTA General Assembly, 2022-25
Head of the Standing Committee on Urban Planning and Design, 2021 onwards
DOCOMOMO / International Specialist Committee / Urbanism+Landscape, 2015 onwards