I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.


Kiss, G., Tulics, M. G., Jenei, A. Z., & Sztahó, D. (2021, December). ANALYSIS OF CROSS DISORDER SEVERITY PREDICTION PROBLEMS BASED ON SPEECH FEATURES. In Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications: 12th International Workshop, December, 14-16, 2021 (p. 71). Firenze University Press. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Attila-Jenei-3/publication/358285848_Analysis_of_Cross_Disorder_Severity_Prediction_Problems_Based_on_Speech_Features/links/61fbb23a007fb504473218bb/Analysis-of-Cross-Disorder-Severity-Prediction-Problems-Based-on-Speech-Features.pdf

Kiss, G., Sztahó, D., & Tulics, M. G. (2021). Application for detecting depression, Parkinson’s disease and dysphonic speech. Proc. Interspeech 2021, 956-957.

Sztahó, D., Kiss, G., & Vicsi, K. (2018). Computer based speech prosody teaching system. Computer Speech & Language, 50, 126-140.

Kiss, G., & Vicsi, K. (2017). Mono-and multi-lingual depression prediction based on speech processing. International Journal of Speech Technology, 20(4), 919-935.


Interspeech, 2021, Graz, presenter