Gy. Rábai ; S. Imre: Chapter 13: Reconfiguration of the Network Elements
In: Markus Dillinger ; Kambiz Madani ; Nancy Alonistioti (edit.)
Software Defined Radio: Architectures, Systems and Functions
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp 355-371 (2003)
S. Imre; Ferenc Balázs: Quantum Computing and Communications – An Engineering Approach
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 283 p. (2005)
L Hanzo ; H Haas ; S Imre ; D O’Brien ; M Rupp ; L Gyongyosi:Wireless Myths, Realities and Futures: From 3G/4G to Optical and Quantum Wireless
PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE (0018-9219 1558-2256): 100 13 pp 1853-1888 (2012)
L Gyongyosi ; S Imre ; H. V. Nguyen
A Survey on Quantum Channel Capacities
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS (1553-877X 2373-745X): 20 2 pp 1149-1205 (2018)
Imre, S ; Berces, M: Entanglement-based Competition Resolution in Distributed Systems, IEEE ACCESS
pp. 1-10., 10 p. (2021)
2021 Szent-Györgyi Albert-Award for outstanding education activities
2017 Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2016 Pollák-Virág Publication Award of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications
2015 Á. Milánkovich, G. Ill, K. Lendvai, S. Imre, S. Sándor: Research on Payload Aggregation of Packets in WSNs, In: SENSORNETS 2015: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks. Angers, France, 11-13 February 2015. Paper 50 BEST PAPER AWARD
2012- Senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2011 Gabor Dennis Award, Novofer Foundation
2011 Mate Galambos, Sandor Imre: New Method for Representation of Multi-qbit Systems Using Fractals In: ICQNM2011 The Fifth International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies, ISBN: 978-1-61208-151-9, Nice, France, 21-27. 08. 2011. BEST PAPER AWARD
2011 Pollák-Virág Publication Award of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications
2010 Laszlo Kozma Award of BME Dept. of TMIT
2010 L Gyongyosi, S Imre: Computational Geometric Analysis of Physically Allowed Quantum Cloning Transformations for Quantum Cryptography, 4th WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTER ENGINEERING and APPLICATIONS (CEA '10). ISBN: 978-960-474-151-9, 27-29 January 2010, Cambridge, USA, pp. 121-126. Paper 18., BEST PAPER AWARD
2009 Pollák-Virág Publication Award of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications
2009 Memorial Medal of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications for its 60th anniversary
2009 L Gyongyosi, S Imre: „Quantum Informational Geometry for Secret Quantum Communication”, In: FUTURE COMPUTING 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3862-4, Athen, Greece, 15-20 November 2009, pp. 580-585., BEST PAPER AWARD
2007 Á. Huszák, S. Imre: " TFRC-Based Selective Retransmission For Multimedia Applications", 5th @WAS International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, MoMM2007, ISBN 978-3-85403-230-4, pp. 53-63., Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-5 December 2007. BEST PAPER AWARD
2005 Best speaker of ALCATEL Seminars 2001-2005
2005 B. Kovács, M. Szalay and S. Imre: „Modelling and Quantitative Analysis of LTRACK – Novel Mobility Managemt Algorithm”, 3rd Inter. Conf. On Advances in Mobile Multimedia, MOMMS2005, 19-21 September, 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN 3-85403-195-5, in the book serie band 195 Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, pp. 343-357. BEST PAPER AWARD
2005 Medal of the Master Teacher Honour, National Council for Undergraduate Research, Hungary
2004 Tivadar Puskás Award of the Hungarian Scientific Association for Infocommunications
2001 Rector’s Excellence Award of BME for supervision of students’ scientific research activities, 2001.
2020-2024 Quantum Information National Laboratory
2017-2021 Development of Quantum Networks - HunQuTech, 2017-1.2.1-NKP-2017-00001
2015-2018 Quantum communications in noisy environment, OTKA K112125
2014- Quantum Communications – National Future Internet Program, JINKA 2.2, T1C4 -
2013-2015 Information Systems, Research group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2013-2014 Device-free Positioning in Wireless Environment, EIT-KIC
2013-2015 WSN-AQUA: HUSK project, Hungary-Slovakia Cross-border Co-operation Programme
2013-14 Long Distance Secure Quantum Key Distribution, GOP-1.1.1-11-2012-0092
2013-14 Earth-Space Quantum Communications, TAMOP 4.2.2.C
2011-14 CONCERTO - Content and cOntext aware delivery for iNteraCtivemicro-multimEdia healthcaRe applicaTiOns , 2011-2014, EU 7th Framework
2011-2014 TET_10-1-2011-0266, A Two-Tier Cellular Architecture with Robust Interference Capability and Optimal Resource Management Policy, Bilateral project Hungary-Singapore
2011-2013 COST Action MP1006 Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics
2010-2012 CHIRON – Cyclic and person-centric Health management : Integrated appRoach for hOme, mobile and clinical eNvironments, EU ARTEMIS 2010-2012
2010-2011 RFID technology for supporting logistic systems, TÁMOP 421B
2010-2013 Secure Mobile Contactless Payment, BIRD, TECH-09
2009 StoLPaN EU IST program, 2009
2009 Office positioning and navigation system, GOP 1.3.1/B.
2009-2012 EARTH, EU 7th Framework
2009-2012 EULER, EU 7th Framework
2009-2012 SAMURAI, EU 7th Framework
2009-2011 MEVICO-Celtic Mobile Networks Evolution for Individual Communications Experience
2009-2011 Bilateral German-Hungarian Project on Ambient Intelligence Systems (BELAMI II)
2008-2009 EURESCOM P1857, Ultra Flat Architecture for high bitrate services in fixed-mobile convergent networks
2008-2009 Location positioning and object monitoring system based on RFID technology, GOP-1.1.1-07/1-2008-2009
2008-2010 MobileVideo – Live video content generation for community services, NKTH National Technology Program
2009-2011 High intelligence, high reliability reconnaissance system for military and public use, NKTH National Technology Program
2008-2010 OPTIMIX, Optimisation of Multimedia over wireless IP links via X-layer design, EU 7th Framework
2006-2008 ANEMONE, Advanced Next gEneration Mobile Open Network, EU 6th Framework
2006-2008 BIONETS, BIO-inspired NExt generaTion networkS, EU 6th Framework
2006-2008 CASCADAS, Component-ware for Autonomic Situation-aware Communications, and Dynamically Adaptable Services, EU 6th Framework
2006-2008 BOSS, On Board Wireless Secured Video Surveillance, EUREKA-Celtic,
2005-2008 Industrial Applications of RFID Technology, Jedlik-NKFP2/00015/2005
2005-2008 New Measurement Methods for QoS Provisioning Novel Infocom Applications, Jedlik-NKFP2/00015/2005
2005-2008 Bilateral German-Hungarian Project on Ambient Intelligence Systems (BELAMI)
2005-2007 Adaptive multimedia transmission in heterogeneous mobile environment, NKFP project
2004-2006 Greek-Hungarian TET project: Multimeda Transmission in Wireless Local Area Network Environment
2001-2004 COST 279: “Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks supporting Mobil
2001-2004 ETIK: “Research on 3rd Generation Mobile Systems”
Other activities
IEEE Senior Member