Farkas, E. , Feigl, V., Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Fekete-Kertész, I., Tolner, M., Kerekes, I., Pusztai, É., Kari, A., Uzinger, N., Rékási, M., Kirchkeszner, Cs., Molnár, M. (2020) Long-term effects of grain husk and paper fibre sludge biochar on acidic and calcareous sandy soils – A scale-up field experiment applying a complex monitoring toolkit, Science of the Total Environment 731, 138988.
Hackenberger, D. K., Feigl, V., Lončarić, Z., Hackenberger, B.K. (2019) Biochemical and reproductive effects of red mud to earthworm Eisenia fetida, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 168, 279–286
Farkas, E., Feigl, V., Gruiz, K., Vaszita, E., Ujaczki, E., Fekete-Kertész, I., Tolner, M., Horváth, CM., Berkl Z., Uzinger N., Rékási, M., Molnár, M., (2018) Microcosm incubation study for monitoring the mid-term effects of different biochars on acidic sandy soil applying a multiparameter approach, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 120, 24-36.
Ujaczki, É., Feigl, V., Molnár, M., Cusack, P., Curtin, T., Courtney, R., O’Donoghue, L., Davris, P., Hugi, C., W.H. Evangelou, M., Balomenos, E., Lenz, M. (2018). Reusing bauxite residues: benefits beyond (critical raw) material recovery. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, (0268-2575 1097-4660): 93 (9), 2498-2510.
Feigl, V., Ujaczki É., Vaszita, E., Molnár M. (2017) Influence of red mud on soil microbial communities: application and comprehensive evaluation of the Biolog EcoPlate approach as a tool in soil microbiological studies, Science of the Total Environment, 595, 903–911.
Ujaczki, É., Zimmermann, Y., Gasser, C., Molnár, M., Feigl, V., Lenz, M. (2017) Red mud as secondary source for critical raw materials – Extraction study, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotehnology, (0268-2575 1097-4660): 92 (11), 2835-2844.
Ujaczki, É., Feigl, V., Farkas, É., Vaszita, E., Gruiz, K., Molnár, M. (2016) Red mud as acidic sandy soil ameliorant: a microcosm incubation study, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 91 (6), 1596–1606.
Ujaczki, É., Feigl V., Molnár, M., Vaszita E., Uzinger, N., Erdélyi A., Gruiz, K. (2016) The potential application of red mud and soil mixture as additive to the surface layer of a landfill cover system: field-study, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 44, 189–196.
Feigl, V., Anton, A., Uzinger, N., Gruiz, K. (2012) Red mud as a chemical stabilizer for soil contaminated with toxic metals, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 223 (3), 1237–1247.
Mayes, W.M., Jarvis, A.P., Burke, I.T., Walton, M., Feigl, V., Klebercz, O., Gruiz, K. (2011) Dispersal and attenuation of trace contaminants downstream of the Ajka bauxite residue (red mud) depository failure, Hungary, Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (12), 5147–5155.
2019–2022: EU H2020 ELECTRA project, Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation, project leader in Hungary
2016–2018, 2019–2021: EC H2020 SCALE project, Production of Scandium compounds and Scandium Aluminum alloys from European metallurgical by-products, project leader in Hungary
2017–2018: Hungarian-French Bilateral Scientific and Technological Collaboration, Development and application of an innovative technology for removal of organic micropollutants, research participant
2014–2016: Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, Green Industry Innovation Programme, TERRA PRETA project, Combined application of biochar and microbial inoculant for deteriorated soils, research participant
2015: Croatian-Hungarian bilateral Scholarship (Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU Programms) Research topic: Ecotoxicity testing of red mud with E. foetida testorganism
2014–2015: Sciex fellowship: Éva Ujazcki PhD student - home mentor, funded by the CRUS Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities. Research topic: REMEX: Rare element extraction from red mud
2013–2014: Zoltan Magyary post-doctoral scholarship, funded by the Hungarian State, European Union and the European Social Fund. Research topic: Utilization of wastes for the improvement of degraded soils
2013: DAAD scholarship funded by the German Academic Exchange Service. Study visit at the University of Duisburg Essen, Biofilm Center, Group of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sand. Research topic: Microcalorimetric assessment of red mud containing soil substitutes: measurement of microbial activity and ecotoxicity
2009–2014: National Technology Programme, SOILUTIL project, Soil amelioration by innovative waste utilisation technologies, research / PhD student participant
2008–2011: New Hungary Development Plan, Central Hungary Operative Program, ENFO project, Dynamic information system for environmentally efficient and environment conscious decision making, PhD student participant
2005–2008: Hungarian National R&D Program, MOKKA project, Innovative Decision Support Tools for Risk Based Environmental Management in Hungary, PhD student participant
2005–2007: Economic Competitiveness Operative Programme, BANYAREM project, Risk Reduction of Diffuse Pollution of Mining Origin, PhD student participant
Participation in several national and international conferences with oral and poster presentations in the topic of soil and water protection, waste valorization, ecotoxicology.
ERES 2017 2nd Conference on European Rare Earth Resources, 28-30 May 2017, Santorini, Greece, session chair
Other activities
Since 2016 member: European Federation of Biotechnology, Environmental Biotech section
2015-2019 member: Hungarian Society of Ecotoxicology
2006-2012 member: Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe (NICOLE)