I am looking for partners in the research area.

I am looking for partners interested in the Horizon Europe Call.

I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

I am looking for laboratory facilities in the research/application area.

Introduction of the Research Group

The research team is involved in the design and construction of the equipment to be operated in outer space. This is primarily an engineering, technological activity, during which units of spacecraft and satellites for the purpose of a scientific or on-board service system are made. At the same time, the group is also developing satellite-based equipment for scientific purposes. This includes the construction of ground support units and test equipment. The group is also involved in theoretical research related to space technology.


-ESA BEXUS BioDos experiment (2012)
-ESA balloon experiment, 1 year student program, effects of radiation on DNA sample, with Semmelweis university
-ESA REXUS Gekko experiment (2013)
-ESA rocket experiment (100 km altitude). Ion density measurement at high altitude
-ESA Rosetta mission, power system of Philae lander (2004-16)
-ESA ESEO mission, power distribution unit (2006-20)
-ESA ESEO mission Langmuir probe (2006-20)
-Ion density measurement
-ESA Alphasat TDP#5 propagation and communication experiment, receiver station (2014-)
-ISS EKTC power system for phase controlled antenna system (2014-17)


• László Csurgai-Horváth, István Rieger, Vilmos Béres, László Kormos, Q- band Beacon Receiver for Alphasat TDP # 5 Propagation Experiment , 7th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference , North Conway (NH), United States: IEEE (2014) pp. 424-427. , 4 p.
• Michael Schmidt, Laszlo Csurgai- Horvath , Peter Horvath , Balint Horvath , Juan Castro, Antonio Martellucci , Architectural Design of the Q / V Band site diversity experiment between Austria and Hungary, Wireless and Satellite Systems. WiSATS 2017: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences , Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering , Cham , Switzerland: Springer International Publishing (2018) pp. 184-194. , 11 p.


2014-15, ESA tender: Participation in the AlphaSat Technology Demonstration Payload Experiment; 2015-16, ESA Application: Ground Station for the Alphasat Q / V Band Communications Experiment; 2017-18, ESA / Wigner RCP: Mobile 5G wave propagation measuring device; 2013-19, ESA ESEO program (closure of former PECS contract): ESEO energy distribution unit and Langmuir probe experiment; 2020, Space Science and Engineering Ltd .: Sweeping Langmuir Probe;


• MDPI, Remote Sensing
• Wiley, International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking
• HTE, Infocommunications Journal
• BME, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
• Elsevier, Journal of Communications


106, Research workplace and indoor units at Alphasat receiver station; ANGELANTONI / ACS HYGROS 250 climate chamber BME-HVT (from -60 to 150 degrees, capable of humidification); ANGELANTONI / ACS HYGROS 250 climatic chamber,Helmholtz coil (to create a homogeneous magnetic field, to test magnetic position detection), Helmholtz cage;


2015 -17, BHE Bonn Hungary,EKTC on - board power supply;

Industry relations

BHE Bonn Hungary Electronics ltd., János Solymosi, Director of Space Technology;
Earth Physics and Space Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Árpád Kiss, researcher;
Totaltel Telecom kft., Benedek Andor, director;


• European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
• International Conference on Research, Technology and Education of Space (H-SPACE)
• Symposium on Space Educational Activities (SSEA)
• European Microwave Conference in Central Europe (EUMW)
• European Space Power Conference (ESPC)
• Ka and Broadband Communications Conference
• IEEE International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP)
• International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
• Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC)
• ESA Workshop on Aerospace EMC (Aerospace EMC)
• International Conference on Space Technology (ICST2011)
• MANT Űrkutatási Fórum

Other activities

https://www.bme.hu/hirek/20141110/A_BME_VIK_urkutatoi_a_Philae_leszalloegyseg_tervezesenek_kulcsszereploi https://www.bme.hu/news/20140815/Rosetta_Reaches_destination_after_a_Decade?language=en https://www.vik.bme.hu/hir/2321-az-eseo-european-student-earth-orbiter-a-falcon-9-fedelzeten-sikeresen-startolt-2018-december-3-1932-kor http://www.urvilag.hu/europai_korszeru_oktatas/20190325_eseo_nehezen_de_valami_elindult http://www.mant.hu/kiadvanyok/Urkorkep2020.pdf HTE Telecommunication Club, 22 May 2014 : 10 years in outer space-the Rosetta mission http://www.urvilag.hu/rosetta_ustokos_program/20141031_rosettanap_a_planetariumban Member of the Board of HTE Telecommunications Department: László Csurgai-Horváth