Team Interaction and Communication Research Group was founded in 2007. Our aim is to research teamwork in hazardous work environments and to explore its specificities.
To investigate how the patterns of cooperation and communication between team members change under high risk environment. Our research aims to explore how teams adapt to different levels of task workload. Our experience has been extended to the military, medical-rehabilitation teams, nuclear power plant and, in recent years, to fire brigade teams.
The main objective of the research team is to investigate how teams working in hazardous work environments and how they are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions through team processes. Among team processes, coordination, communication and leadership are emphasised.
The teams we study operate complex systems and equipment, which require specific professional knowledge and expertise that cannot be possessed by one person alone, and therefore need to work in teams, sharing knowledge. In the operation of teams, the potential sources of danger can come from the external, physical environment, but also from the human factor itself, the team. Stimuli from the external, physical environment: unexpected, often ambiguous information, information gaps, unexpected events, increased complexity, managing parallel events, rapid but deliberate decision-making under time pressure, pressure from organisational and national culture. Stimuli from internal functioning, the human factor: often excessive hierarchical structure, lack of cooperation, miscommunication, lack of professionalism, lack of coordination in the harmonisation of different processes, lack of mutual acceptance, lack of change of perspective in problem solving.
In safety cultures operating complex systems, efforts are made to fine-tune operational processes to minimise anomalies due to human operation, possibly human error, and to maximise safe operation. These standards provide predictability, control, which implies security and ensures a common understanding of the situation. Rules and standards work well in situations where uncertainty is relatively low and where there is a preference for good practice and routine. Rules can be grouped according to the extent to which and the level at which they regulate a sequence of actions: they may specify only the goal to be achieved or the steps to be taken to achieve it.
- Identify the environmental conditions of teams operating in a safety culture, the "dangerous" situations that increase risk factors and trigger team adaptation
- Measurement of the team mental model characteristic of effective teamwork and its identification in team performance
- The role of explicit and implicit coordination and communication in team adaptation
- Identifying communication manifestations that facilitate adaptation
- The role of the leader in team work
- Paradoxes in safety culture
- Personality and competence structure of the "safety conscious personality"
Veronika Klára Talács, Márta Juhász (2022). Team communication of nuclear fire brigades during routine and non-routine task phases. In.: International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Volume 90, July 2022, 103300
Juhász Márta, Vasvári Fanni (2021). A biztonságtudatos vezetői attitűd vizsgálata. Vezetéstudomány / Budapest Management Review LII. ÉVF. 2022. 1. SZÁM / ISSN 0133-0179 DOI: 10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.01.04
Takács, Veronika Klára; Juhász, Márta (2017). Adaptation and Cognition of High-Risk Environment Teams in an Input-Mediator-Outcome Framework. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, [S.l.], 2017. ISSN 1587-3803. Available at: . Date accessed: 02 mar. 2018.
HÁMORNIK BALÁZS PÉTER, JUHÁSZ MÁRTA (2010). Knowledge Sharing in Medical Team: Knowledge, Knowledge Management, and Team Knowledge. Periodica Polytechnika-Social and Management Sciences 18:(2) pp. 99-107. (2010) Scopus link, DOI: 10.3311/
JUHÁSZ MÁRTA (2010). Influence of personality on Teamwork behaviour and communication. Periodica Polytechnica-Social and Management Sciences,18/2 (2010)
SOÓS JULIÁNNA KATALIN, JUHÁSZ MÁRTA (2010). Capturing team performance differences through communication based analyses of team cognition, Periodica Polytechnica- Social and Management Sciences,18/2(2010),75-85.
Periodica Polytechnika-Social and Management Sciences
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
2007-2008: BME Department of Ergonomic od Psychology - MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. - The processing of communication rules in the power plant environment, the advantages and disadvantages of two-way and three-way communication, as well as the development of communication mistakes and accidents, i.e. the dangers of misused communication rules, in the form of a lesson.
2007-2009: BME Department of Ergonomic od Psychology - MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. - Observing and analysing the communication of operator teams working in a high-risk environment, which will highlight behavioural patterns that help teams to function effectively and adapt to changing workloads.
2009: BME Department of Ergonomic od Psychology - Hungarian Defence Forces Dr. György Radó Defence Medical Centre Preventive Directorate - Development of training scenarios (Stress exposure training, Scenario based traning) for the contingent leadership serving abroad, aiming at the psychological preparation and skills development of the contingent leadership to deal with organisational crises and extreme stress situations during mission tasks.
2009-2013. BME Department of Ergonomic od Psychology - National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation - The aim of the research project is to analyse the information transfer and communication between the members of the medical rehabilitation expert team (doctors, physiotherapists, nurses) and the role of the lead doctor in the development of a team mental model of the patient, the disease and its treatment.
2017: BME Department of Ergonomic od Psychology - ATOMIX Ltd. Fire-fighting and emergency services Sector - To examine the cooperation and coordination patterns of fire brigade teams.
Industry relations
MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd.
Hungarian Defence Forces Dr. György Radó Defence Medical Centre Preventive Directorate
National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation
ATOMIX Ltd. Fire-fighting and emergency services Sector
Vasvári Fanni, Juhász Márta, Gerákné Dr. Krasz Katalin (2021) The relationship between leadership style and safety motivation - Előadás EAWOP Konferencia, 2022.01.11-14. Glasgow
Veronika Klara Takacs, Marta Juhasz (2021). In different locations but still on the same page: team coordination processes of firefighter teams
during routine and non-routine task execution. INGRoup 16th Annual Conference October & November 2021 Virtual
Marta Juhasz, Takacs Veronika Klara (2019). Team leader communication and coordination behavior in firefighter teams and its influence on the team performance. 19th EAWOP Congress 29th May - 1st June 2019 Turin, Italy
Takács Veronika, Juhász Márta (2018). The relationship of team knowledge and team performance in high risk environment. 25th Annual EurOMA Conference, 24-26 June 2018, Budapest, Hungary
TAKÁCS VERONIKA, JUHÁSZ MÁRTA (2016). Team Personality and Communication in Nuclear Power Plant’s control room operator teams. INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, Finland, July 14-16, 2016 The 11th Annual INGRoup Conference will be held so scholars across
TAKÁCS VERONIKA, JUHÁSZ MÁRTA (2016). Integrative model on the role of team cognition in high-risk environment teams’ adaptation. INGRoup Conference, Helsinki, Finland, July 14-16, 2016 The 11th Annual INGRoup Conference will be held so scholars across