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I am looking for partners for the Horizon Europe research area.

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Sustainable Building Materials Research Group

Dr. Éva Lublóy

Associate Professor

PhD, habil

H-1111 Budapest, Muegytem rakp. 1-3



Dr. Salem Nehme

Associate Professor

Dr. Viktor Hlavička

Assistant Professor

Dr. Rita Nemes

Associate Professor

Dr. Olivér Fenyvesi

Asspciate Professor

Introduction of the Research Group

With the development of the construction industry, more and more new materials are entering the market. The materials are introduced very quickly, the characteristic mechanical properties are determined, but in many cases incompletely. There is always a need for new product development I the industry. A new requirement in our ever-evolving world is to develop more durable materials (e.g. FRP rebars, textile concretes), or to make production faster (concrete printing). In addition, newly developed materials must be durable (frost-resistant, corrosion-resistant, etc.). Nowadays, environment protection also plays an important role, so we are trying to recycle more and more materials. From the test methods, we also choose the one with the least possible environmental load and structural damage. The research team developed a new test method for this. The internal structure of the materials is examined by CT to obtain a true picture of the three-dimensional internal structure. With this method, we can also evaluate the durability of many materials and apply the method effectively in the development of new materials.


- Two patents
- Participation in many national and international projects
- Publication in international journals
- Teaching of young researchers
- Product developments


Lublóy Éva: Heat resistance of portland cements, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORI-METRY 1:(1) pp. 1-9. (2018)
letölthető: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10973-018-7132-z

2. Majorosné Lublóy Éva: The Influence of Concrete Strength on the Effect of Synthetic Fibres on Fire Resistance, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING 62:(1) pp. 136-142. (2017)
letölthető: https://pp.bme.hu/ci/article/view/10775

3. Lublóy Éva, Hlavička Viktor: Bond after fire, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 132: pp. 210-218. (2017)
letölthető: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950061816319006

4. Lublóy Éva, Balázs L György, Kapitány Kristóf, Barsi Árpád: CT analysis of core samples from fire-damaged concrete structures, MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH 69:(15) pp. 802-810. (2017)
letölthető: https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/abs/10.1680/jmacr.16.00490

5. A Balázs L György; Czoboly Olivér; Lublóy Éva; Kapitány Kristóf; Barsi Árpád: Observation of steel fibres in concrete with Computed Tomography, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS (0950-0618): 140 pp 534-541 (2017)


There are two accepted patents with my name in the field, one of which is international (Method for the examination of the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete structures, 30% inventor share), WO2021/171047, (Method for connecting wall panels to each other and to a load-bearing column and for fireproofing connection, 40% inventor share) registration number: 2006747). In my opinion, an internationally registered patent is a hallmark of the research group and the researcher.


2021 Researcher of the Year (Civil and Architectural Sciences) 2016-2019 Faculty Awards (TDK commemorative plaque, Faculty Researcher Award) 2017-2020 Bolyai János fellowship (closed with excellent) 2008 The scholarship of the Foundation Dr. Gallus REHM for PhD thesis 2000 summer The scholarship of the Foundation Dr. Gallus REHM for TDK thesis at the University of Karlsruhe 1997-2001 Republic Scholarship 1999 semester I. Studies at the University of Karlsruhe


Constructions and buillding materials,
Journal of Thermal Analysys and Calorimetrie


Matarial testing laboratory


1. Development of the polystyrene concrete mix (department project leader)
BME eng.sz.: 44128-003/2013
Project: KMR_12-1-2012-0236
“Research and development of sustainable building materials, products, systems and production technologies, with particular regard to penalization and mobile-passive houses, for the development of noise and sound-proofing properties and radiation protection"
Principal: Department of Bridges and Structures Budapest University of Technology and Economics

2. Development of structural lightweight concrete for application in transport infrastructure structures
BME eng.sz.: 44123-003/2013
In the framework of the tender GOP KMR 12-1_2012-0156
Principal: Uvaterv Zrt.

3. Participation in a project of TÁMOP-4.2.2.B-10/1--2010-0009

Industry relations

SW-umwelt technik,
MC- Buachemie,


2011 CCC 2011 (organizing and scientific committee)
2009-2015 CCC conference (organizing committee)
From 2013 Construction of reinforced concrete, and Journal of Concrete Structures editorial board member
From 2012 Participation in the fire protection training of the Chamber of Engineers
From 2011 Qualification Expert in the laboratory of ÉMI as a request of the National Accreditation Body

Other activities

From 2013 Member of the National Fire Commission (The President of the Commission is the Head of the Disaster Management) 2010 Member of the CCC2010 jury From 2009 Member of the conference organizing committee (CCC2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) From 2008 fib Member of the (International Concrete Association) TG 4.3 (Fire design of concrete structures) fib Member of the TG8.3 (Fibre reinforced concrete) fib Member of the WG4.3-3(Spalling design) From 2001 fib Member of the Hungarian Section