Our team is the core member of the national Hungarian working group, which is responsible for the establishment of the Automotive Cybersecurity Test and Certification Center at ZalaZONE. Due to this membership, our Department as direct experiences from the state-of-the-art scientific methods and concepts in the field of Automotive Cybersecurity.
We have traditionally strong cooperation with the actors of the Hungarian automotive ecosystem (especially considering the most important TIER1 market actors), which makes it possible to receive information about the most relevant industry-related issues from the automotive cybersecurity sector.
The Safety and Security Research Team pays particular attention to the interaction and interrelationship of automotive safety and security co-engineering.
Accordingly, we focus our research resources to develop integrated design and analysis methodologies that can consider the interaction of automotive safety and security of road domains together, especially considering the CAV related cybersecurity issues, such as IDS solutions, threat analysis, scenario-based testing, and specific domains of PKI management.
Beyond this, our team has outstanding competencies in the field of automotive forensics investigations. In this field, our primary research orientation related to CAVs focuses on the evaluation possibilities of accidents related to highly automated vehicles (including accident reconstruction methods, the investigation of the most relevant conflict types, and liability issues).