Relative efficiency analysis or Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is developed for the efficiency analysis of organizational units. The method is based on the evaluation of weighted outputs over weighted inputs. DEA is continuously extended with new models and the application areas are also increasing since 1950. The methodological basis of DEA is linear programming (LP). The main benefits of DEA, that it can aggregate several outputs and inputs measured in different scales. Consequently, DEA can be applied for the evaluation of nonprofit organization, where the outputs generally cannot be measured with financial measures. In for-profit organizations financial and nonfinancial results can jointly be evaluated. The application of DEA in production and operations management requires the solution of several theoretical and methodological problems.
The research group investigates the theoretical improvement possibilities of DEA, develops software for the practical implementation of the required calculations and design performs analysis in a data rich environment. The theoretical work is supported by practical applications in the following areas:
- performance analysis in business simulation games
- health sector,
- public administration
- production and service sector
- effect of digital transformation
- personal performance evaluation.